Archive for May, 2011

Windows 7: Create Library

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

Windows 7 has introduced the concept of a Libary. This is a folder that can contain other folders and is available in the Windows Explorer. So you may have decided that the 4 defaults folders aren’t enough:

  • Documents
  • Music
  • Pictures
  • Video

So to create a new library:

  1. Select : Start menu->All Programs->Accessories->Windows Explorer
    Press + e
    and click on the Libraries folder in the left hand column.
  2. Right click in an empty space on the folder view and select New->Library
  3. Then name your Library
  4. Right-click your new library and select properties.
  5. Select Folders to include in your library.

Each library can contain multiple folders. Now everytime you open the explorer your library will be available to you and you do not have to dig into your file hierarchy to find your most used files.

Suggested Applications:

  • Work folders
  • Project folder

Windows: Grep for windows

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

If you don’t have access to a Unix environment on your windows box, you can still search files with findstr. The findstr command will allow you to search files close to the same way as grep.

findstr /S "search string"

will recursively find your string in the current directory and subdirectories.

There are more options that you can find if you run the following command:

findstr /?

will show you the help message.

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