Viewing many different video formats on Windows
By Eric Downing. Filed in Utilities, Windows |So I lost my hard drive and went to play some of the videos that I have saved on the system and could no longer play them in Windows Media Player. I needed to download a set of video codecs to play my .vob files. I am using the K-Lite Codec Pack.
Featured Software
DivX 8
Koepi’s XviD Codec
DScaler MPEG Filters
Ogg Codecs
Xvid Video Codec
Nic’s XviD Codec
Ligos Indeo Codec
MPEG Layer-3 Codec
AC3 Filter
AC-3 ACM Codec
CoreVorbis Decoder
LAME DirectShow Filter
LAME MP3 Encoder
Monkey’s Audio
Vorbis Ogg ACM Codec
This allows me to view the files in other video apps as well.