Using Rsync to backup a directory

By Eric Downing. Filed in Linux, OS, Utilities  |  
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Recently I was moving data between an old server and new web server. I had some 250 GB of data and thought about just using Secure Copy (scp). When I started the process, I walked away
thinking “No Problem”, but after a few files, I got an error due to file permissions and I did not want to figure out what files had not been copied yet or where to try to restart.
So I used rsync to mirror the drive. I was able to set it up and due to my slow network speed, it still took several days, but I was certain that I had gotten all the data.

rsync -azuv -e ssh  user@originserver:public_html/* public_html/

The options I used were for :

Option Description
-a Archive Mode
-z Compress File Data
-u Update Mode
-v Verbose
-e specify command to run

This took some time to run, but I did not have to babysit the command and it duplicated the data from my old server to the new one.

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