C: Check if string is a number

By Eric Downing. Filed in C/C++, Programming  |  
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I was recently testing some basic input and wrote this code to test if the input was a number or not.


int main()
  char name[10];

  if (checkifNumber(name))
     printf("Is a numbern"); 
     printf("Invalid numbern");

int checkifNumber(char *inp)
  int i=0;
  int isanumber = 1;

  while(inp[i] != '' && i < 10)
    if (inp[i] >= '0' && inp[i] <= '9')
      isanumber =0;
  return isanumber;

One thing that could be improved is to potentially use a global variable to define the length of the
input string as it is used in two different places in the program and could potentially lead to an
array overrun/underrun.

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