Counting lines, words and characters with wc

By Eric Downing. Filed in Linux, Shell, Utilities  |  
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There is a simple Linux utility for counting characters, lines and words in files called wc. This allows you to give a file as an argument or a stream and get the counts of the aforementioned items.

wc <filename>


cat <filename> | wc

The options that wc accepts

-c,–bytes print the byte counts
-m,–chars print the character counts
-l,–lines print the line counts
-L,–max-line-length print the length of the longest line
-w,–words print the word counts

The ouput with no arguments will be three numbers (words,lines,characters. Otherwise the the number will reflect the argument you have passed.

And if you pass multiple filenames the output displays counts for all files and totals.

 >wc -l sample.txt
   25 sample.txt
   33 total

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