Android Resource files

By Eric Downing. Filed in Android, Programming  |  
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When developing an application for Android you will require additional resources. This data is kept in resource files. The resource files live under the /res directory and consist of the following items:

  • Colors
  • Strings
  • Dimensions
  • Drawables (Images and Icons)
  • Sounds
  • Videos
  • Data Files
  • Layout Files

The Rules for resource files are:

  • Must be lowercase
  • May contain: letters, numbers, underscores and periods
  • Filenames must be unique
  • XML Name attributes must be unique as well

To reference the resources from a compiled resource you would use something like the following format depending on the type of resource:

String app_name = getResources().getString(R.string.app_name);

The template for reading resources is either:

@[resource type]:/[resource name]
@android:[resource type]:[resource name]

or from a layout file:


or from the android system resources:



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