Archive for October, 2020

Solved: Ender 3 pro can’t read TF card

Friday, October 30th, 2020

When I received my Ender 3 pro I was excited to print the same models that came with the printer, but when I put the card in, it would not read. So I plugged it into my pc and it read the data fine.

So I copied all the files to a folder on my pc and copied all the files to a local folder. I reformatted the card and copied back the gcode files that I wanted to print and it worked!

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Python: Conditional Assignments

Thursday, October 29th, 2020

There are times that you may want to assign a different value to a variable based on the value of another variable. This can be accomplished in many compiled languages with the ternary operator.

In Python the syntax for this is different because python was written to allow you to read a line of code and have a better understanding of what the code is doing. Python uses conditional assignment where you can use an if statement to help decide what the variable should be assigned.

a = "Happy" if weather == "sunny" else "Sad"

So reading this code states: “a is set to “Happy” if weather equals sunny else a is “Sad”” .

Issue with f.lux and screenshots on Windows 10

Thursday, October 22nd, 2020

Recently I was helping my daughter with some homework and it was going well. That is until I tried to take a screen shot. The screen shot came out with a red tint to everything I captured. It took me a while as I worked through if it was a Snipping Tool issue or a general screen shot issue. It was any screen shot which was even more frustrating. I searched the internet for answers and saw some issues with Lenovo laptops but I am on a HP Laptop so that was no help. I tried updating the drivers for my video cards and that was no help.

Finally I thought of what could be adjusting colors on my computer and remembered I had installed f.lux to help with my sleep patterns as it helps to make the color levels of your monitor change as the night time arrives. It turns out that f.lux was messing with the screen capture and disabling f.lux made my screen captures look correct.
