Archive for the 'Utilities' Category

Linux:Script to find files

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

I regularly have to find where a file is located and usually use find:

find . | grep 

Where is replaced with the filename or partial name to match. So I finally decided to write a script to just run this and allow me to print the matching names and even potentially pass the -i flag to grep.


if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
  echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 ""
  exit 127

while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
   case $1 in
     -i)  icase=$1;;
      *)  search=$1 ;;

find .  | grep $icase $search

This is just a simple script which I have named ffind that searches starting from the current directory. This lets me search with the following commands:

ffind bak$

This will search for all files that end with “bak” .

ffind -i edr

This will search for all files with “edr” regardless of case

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Using find and grep to search files

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

I have been searching through source code and files for years. And I used to use find with a few arguments to get what I was looking for.

find . -exec grep  {} ; -print

I used the -print after the exec arguments to show the file only when the grep succeeded.  This worked but was a bit to type each time I used it. So I came up with a little script that would help me to search for the an argument and even allow a case insensitive search as well.


if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
  echo 1>&2 Usage: $0 ""
  exit 127

while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
  case $1 in 
     -i) icase=$1;;
      *) search=$1 ;;

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep $icase $search

The script takes at least one argument and excepts a ‘-i’ argument to make grep use a case insensitive search. This will print the file name and the line that matches the search term. It can be easily adapted to show the count of matched patterns (‘-c’) or the line number (‘-n’).

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When a hard drive fails, ddrescue could save the day

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

So I was trying to do some work the other morning in my hotel room and my Windows 7 computer gave me the dreaded blue screen of death and would not boot past loading a certain library file. I was able to boot into an Ubuntu disk that I happened to have and found that there were many S.M.A.R.T. errors on the disk and wished I had thought to monitor this. So it seemed that my drive was cooked and I could not get any of the data from it.

    I was disappointed that Spinrite was unable to save me from the problems that I was having and I paid 90 bucks for it. So I turned to tools in Linux that might do the job. I had used the dd utility to copy the contents of my drive to a new drive in the past, but dd will exit on the first error. So I found that there is an addition to the dd program called ddrescue which is part of the GNU Project.

This utility will let you copy the contents of a disk or partition and allow you to skip the errors or even retry the error spots a number of times.

The command line is something like:

    ddrescue -r 3 /dev/sda1 /media/newvolume/diskimage.iso /media/newvolume/logfilefordiskimage

The really nice thing is if you have to stop the command for some reason, it will restart from the end of the log file. It does take quite a bit of time. I am 6 1/2 hours into recovering a 500GB disk, but it beats losing all my data. I will follow up this post with the results of the rescue and the next steps I took to recover the data.

Part 2 of article

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Mounting drives in Linux

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Sometimes you have a drive that your want to mount under Linux. The mount command can make the drive available to you. But you need to also create a directory to hold the mount point.

mkdir /mnt/drivepoint

Then you can mount the drive to that mount point by using the mount command and giving the device identifier, in this case it is /dev/sda1, and the mount point which we created as /mnt/drivepoint. One thing to note, is that the mount will use whatever directory you specify, so if there are files located in the directory you use as a mount point, they will no longer be visible.

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/drivepoint

This must be run as root or with the sudo command.

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Using tar over ssh

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Every once in awhile, I need to backup a large directory from another computer. This can be done by creating a zip or tar of the files you are looking to save and then copying those zips to the other computer. But what it you have a very large directory and not enough room to store the extra file. Here is a way to use tar over ssh:

ssh tar zcvf – /wwwdata | ssh “cat > /backup/wwwdata.tar.gz”

Setting timestamp with Touch

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

Did you know? You can Set file timestamp using touch command. One way to do this is:
touch -c -t YYMMDDhhmm filename.txt

Utility: Find files files older than a certain amount of days

Monday, June 13th, 2011

I had to write a backup script the other day and used the find command to find the files that were older than a given amount of days.

find /path/to/files* -type f -name *.bak -mtime $DAYS_TO_KEEP -exec rm {} ;

The -name argument uses the escaped asterisk so command completion does not replace it with all the file names.

The -mtime argument takes a number that is the number of days to look at.

The -exec argument takes a command and the {} is replaced with the current file name and the ; is the end of the command.

This is a small part of the power of the find command.

Windows: Grep for windows

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

If you don’t have access to a Unix environment on your windows box, you can still search files with findstr. The findstr command will allow you to search files close to the same way as grep.

findstr /S "search string"

will recursively find your string in the current directory and subdirectories.

There are more options that you can find if you run the following command:

findstr /?

will show you the help message.

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Linux: watch command

Monday, March 14th, 2011

So every once in a while I want to see the progress of an upload or backup. So I turn to the watch command in Linux. The watch command gives the user the ability to re-run a command and see the updated output.

The syntax is ‘watch -n -d .

So for watching a file downloads progress you could run the following:

watch -n 30 ls -l filedownloading

This would show the ls output and you could watch the size of the file grow as it is dowload progress.

Ant unable to find tools.jar

Saturday, January 29th, 2011

When attempting to run ant I get the following message: “Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:Program Files (x86)Javajre6libtools.jar”

This had to do with my JAVA_HOME not pointing to a Java JDK.

So if you download a JDK and update your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to that directory, ant should run happily.

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk

set JAVA_HOME=c:PATHtojdk

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