Droid X first glance

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By Eric Downing | Filed in Android, Hardware | No comments yet.

So I finally moved away from the iPhone(as it turned horrible when I used the “supported” update to iOs 4 on my 3g) and have gotten myself a Droid X. This phone has been awesome(and I have only had it for 2 days).

The Google driving directions app that comes with the phone has been awesome and the unified mailbox is pretty cool. The Android market has been nice and I have perused quite a few apps so far and have been very excited as to what is out there. I was a little afraid as I had heard some less then great things but am very happy to be misinformed.

I am still on the hunt for a good messaging app that supports popup messages (like the iPhone had) and also looking for a new expense receipt tracking app.

I will be following up with some useful information about using the Android OS as I have access to two of them in the house.

I am excited to have this new toy and looking forward to the things I can do with it.

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Testing perl modules

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By Eric Downing | Filed in Perl, Programming, Scripting | No comments yet.

A quick way to test a perl module with a new method is to use a command like the following:

$ perl -MeTechTips::IssueTracking::ClearQuest -we '$tr =  eTechtips::IssueTracking::ClearQuest->new();'

This will test the new and ensure that you have the correct syntax if you do not have an easy test environment for your code, for example as I do not have a ClearQuest instance to test with.

Perl find location of a library

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By Eric Downing | Filed in Perl | No comments yet.

If you are not sure of the location of where a library is being included from in Perl you can use the following command:

perl -MXML::SAX -le 'print $INC{"XML/SAX.pm"}'

This search is for the XML::SAX library and it displays the location of the SAX.pm file.

Perl: Missing ParserDetails.ini

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By Eric Downing | Filed in Perl, Scripting | 2 comments

I have some scripts that were giving me the following message:
could not find ParserDetails.ini in /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/XML/SAX

The way that I worked around this message was to create the ParserDetails.ini file in the /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/XML/SAX directory with the following contents.

http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces = 1

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Edit the hosts file

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By Eric Downing | Filed in Linux, Windows | No comments yet.

If you have every wanted to set certain IP addresses in your network without depending on a nameserver, you can edit the ‘hosts’ file in your operating system.  This can be done to stop access to any inappropriate sites as well.

The hosts file in Windows is:


This is typically  in:


On linux this file is:


The common layout of the file is

<IP address> hostname [hostname]

So if would look something like this:  localhost homeserver homeserver.mydomain.net badlocation

Remember that these lookups happen before looking to a nameserver. So this will override any name lookup. So if you happen to do this on a laptop that you regularly use outside of your home network, make sure that you do not override an address that might be needed when you are not at home.

You will need appropriate privileges to access the file. So you may have to be root or use sudo on Linux and you may have to open an editor as administrator before opening the file on Windows.

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Toggle wrap in VI

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By Eric Downing | Filed in Editors | No comments yet.

This turns off word wrap in the vi window

:set nowrap

to enable it again:

:set wrap

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Lenovo Synaptics touchpad issue

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By Eric Downing | Filed in Hardware | No comments yet.

I have a Lenovo Thinkpad T410 running Windows 7 64-bit and the touchpad stops working after about 10 minutes or so and required a reboot and removal of devices to get it to work again.

I found that if you remove the Lenovo version of the drivers and go to the Synaptics website to download them, then you can have the full functionality of the touchpad back.

Synaptics Driver Download site

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HTML: How to use an external StyleSheet

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By Eric Downing | Filed in CSS, html, Web Design | No comments yet.

There are two ways to include an external stylesheet.  Using a <link> tag in the <head> section of your web page or using the @import tag in a <style> section.  The @import tag can also be placed inside a CSS file to include other CSS files.

Example of an externally linked stylesheet named anyname.css


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" name="anyname.css" href="url" media="all">


The name field is the filename and can be set to any path that is available to your Web Server. The media type can be specified in the link tag.

An example of a @import statement to include a CSS file:




You can also specify the type of stylesheet with the @import statement:

@import('anyfile') screen;

@import('anyfile') print;

The @import statement is not understood by many older browsers, Netscape 4 ignores them completely and Internet Explorer 4 requires you to use parenthesis, even though they are optional.  Luckily, there should be very few people still using these browsers and this is a useful technique to not include features that would not work in those browsers.

The @import directives must be the first items in your CSS. Even comments should not appear before these statements.

Internet Explorer versions 4-7 have the limitation that they do not like specifying the type on the @import line.  I have not researched if this is the case with versions 8 and above.

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Html: how to use an internal stylesheet

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By Eric Downing | Filed in CSS, html, Programming | No comments yet.

In order to use an internal stylesheet, place the following in the <head> section of your html document.

<style type="text/css" media="all">


Place your css here



The <!– –> (xml style comment) is so that older browsers, though very unlikely, will not get confused by the CSS code within the page.

The media=”all” entry tells the rendering engine which style sheets to use, in this case “all” means to use it for all rendering engines.

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I have been frustrated by the crappy Authorization scheme on the iTunes store for quite some time. Purchased apps tell me that I am not authorized to use them and will not restore any apps to my device.

I already had to restore from a backup because the phone froze in a screen backlight issue and now cannot get back many of my apps to the device.

This is making me want to get rid of my iPhone and go to a device that is not so locked down. I should be able to put apps that I got legitimately back to my own device.