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Ddrescue saves the day…eventually

So, after a Linux crash that caused my previous ddrescue to fail(after 350GB), I started to look into how to speed it up, because 30+ hours did not sound like a good idea to me.
I look into ways to speed it up and using a larger block size did the trick. I experimented with a few different sizes and figured out that using 2M gave me the best throughput. So instead of a couple of megs a second i was getting over 24 MB/s. So about a 4 1/2 hour recovery after that.

ddrescue -b 2M /dev/sda2 /media/newdisk/olddata /media/newdisk/logfile

The ddrescue process will attempt to recover any lost sectors and retrim the lost data. Luckily, I only lost about 3100k of data so the most of my data is safe.

You can attempt to rerun ddrescue with the -r <# of times to retry> and it will continue to attempt to read those failed sectors that were unrecoverable. There is no guarantee that you will get back all the data.

Once this data is recovered, you can (hopefully) mount this file as a disk under linux.

 mount /media/newdisk/olddata /mnt/newdisk 

Now remember to back up your data and you will not go through the pain that I did to recover this data.

Part 1 of article

When a hard drive fails, ddrescue could save the day

So I was trying to do some work the other morning in my hotel room and my Windows 7 computer gave me the dreaded blue screen of death and would not boot past loading a certain library file. I was able to boot into an Ubuntu disk that I happened to have and found that there were many S.M.A.R.T. errors on the disk and wished I had thought to monitor this. So it seemed that my drive was cooked and I could not get any of the data from it.

    I was disappointed that Spinrite was unable to save me from the problems that I was having and I paid 90 bucks for it. So I turned to tools in Linux that might do the job. I had used the dd utility to copy the contents of my drive to a new drive in the past, but dd will exit on the first error. So I found that there is an addition to the dd program called ddrescue which is part of the GNU Project.

This utility will let you copy the contents of a disk or partition and allow you to skip the errors or even retry the error spots a number of times.

The command line is something like:

    ddrescue -r 3 /dev/sda1 /media/newvolume/diskimage.iso /media/newvolume/logfilefordiskimage

The really nice thing is if you have to stop the command for some reason, it will restart from the end of the log file. It does take quite a bit of time. I am 6 1/2 hours into recovering a 500GB disk, but it beats losing all my data. I will follow up this post with the results of the rescue and the next steps I took to recover the data.

Part 2 of article